Egyptian Water Goddess
Also known as Tefenet, Tefent, Tefnet, Tphenis
Lion-headed Goddess of Moisture and Wetness
Mostly water, rain, dew, and bodily fluids of an unmentionable nature. She’s also fond of spitting.
Created by Atum, Tefnut is the twin sister of Shu, with whom she consorted to produce the Earth (Geb) and Sky (Nut). At some point she appears to have married a very obscure God named Tefen, of whom nothing is known whatsoever.
Nowadays she drifts around making dew and keeps everything fresh.
Tefnut Facts and Figures
Name: Tefnut
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Tefenet, Tefent, Tefnet, Tphenis
Gender: Female
Type: Goddess
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present
In charge of: Water
Area of expertise: Water
Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 7836
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Article last revised on November 11, 2018 by the Godchecker data dwarves.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders
References: Coming soon.